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March 15 @ 9:30 am - 12:30 pm EDT
$5.00 – $65.00
March 15, 2025, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm EST [The Ides of March]
Ashok Bedi, M.D., Jungian Analyst
3 CEUs are available
Zoom Only
Viewing Party at 1550 Old Henderson Road, Conference Room (back entrance), Columbus, OH 43220
Although this program is by Zoom, you have 2 options:
1. Watch it from home
2. Watch it in community at the Conference Room at 1550 Old Henderson Road. The cost is the same except that if you join us for the Viewing Party, we provide snacks, coffee, and tea.
Regardless of where or how you will be joining us, please scroll below to register. There are 4 ticket options. If you are not currently a member and wish to take advantage of the member registration fee, you may click here to join.
A description of the program and information about Dr. Bedi follows. Click on INTERVIEW WITH DR. BEDI to learn a little more.
Last year, the topic of our Bauza lecture was “Psychedelics & The Dynamics of Transformation: A Jungian View.” It focused on the use of psychedelic drugs in treatment. As a variation on this issue, we reached out to Dr. Ashok Bedi, who has written several books on healing, the most recent of which is the topic of the lecture. This book is addressed to people with addiction issues, their families and friends, as well as interested laypeople, government policy makers, and treatment professionals.
Although we had originally hoped for this to be in person, in working with Dr. Bedi and his challenging scheduled, we decided on a Zoom only platform. Dr. Bedi was trained in India, Great Britain, and the United States. He has been a psychiatrist in Milwaukee since 1976 and now practices adult psychotherapy and Jungian psychanalysis. He is interested in the emerging frontiers of spirituality and healing, and the synapses of the mind, body, soul, and spirit. He is the liaison person for the International Association of the Analytical Psychologists for developing Jungian training programs in India.
Dr. Bedi will be speaking to the issue of the high degree of spiritual drive he has found in individuals with whom he has worked who have dealt with mental illnesses in general and addiction in particular. Carl Jung, in his counsel to his patient Roland Herrington, prescribed that he needed a sort of religious or conversion experience to claim his sobriety. In his book, “The Spiritual Paradox of Addiction,” Dr. Bedi posits that instead of using addictive behaviors to attain connection with Spirit or the deeper, higher, and creative consciousness, recovering addicts can learn to engage with Spirit directly, thus making the addictive detours unnecessary. His thoughts and guidance to Spirit are applicable to all of us no matter our mental health, addictions, or day-to-day living.
Learning Objectives
1. Discuss the dynamics of the spiritual paradox of addiction
2. Present the Jung – Bill W. dialogue to understand the context of the 12 Steps program
3. Explore the 12 Steps program from an Eastern and Analytical lens
4. Explain the anatomy of the experience of connection with the spiritual life
5. Illustrate the contemplative practice of Mindfulness as a path to the Spirit
Ashok Bedi, M.D. is a Jungian psychoanalyst and a board-certified psychiatrist. He is a member of the Royal College of psychiatrists of Great Britain, a diplomat in Psychological Medicine at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of England, a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He is a Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and a training analyst at the Carl G. Jung Institute of Chicago. His books include In the Eye of the Storm- Staying Centered in Personal and Collective Crisis, The Spiritual Paradox of Addiction, Crossing the Healing Zone, Awaken the Slumbering Goddess: The Latent Code of the Hindu Goddess Archetypes, Retire Your Family Karma: Decode Your Family Pattern and Find Your Soul Path and Path to the Soul. He is the liaison for the IAAP for developing Jungian training programs in India and travels annually to India to teach, train the consult with the Jungian Developing groups at several centers in India including Ahmedabad and Mumbai. He leads the annual “A Jungian Encounter with the Soul of India” study group to several centers in India under the auspices of the New York Jung Foundation and the Carl Jung Institute of Chicago. His publications and upcoming programs may be previewed at www.pathtothesoul.com